The key to dealing with mosquitoes is prevention. If you’re a homeowner, do not wait until there’s a major problem before investing in a mosquito repellent for your yard. If you’ve ever been in an environment where mosquitoes are swarming you know that these annoying insects can make you absolutely miserable while you’re trying to enjoy your very own backyard.
Beyond the annoyance of being bitten, mosquitoes spread diseases such as the Zika virus, which is a serious threat to humans, and you can be sure that in the future the spread of disease will become more rampant. As the climate warms, mosquitoes will begin to move into new regions, introducing diseases to a wider population. I don’t want to be an alarmist, but investing in an effective mosquito repellent for your yard seems like an intelligent thing to do.
Before we get into the different mosquito repellents, let’s discuss mosquitoes. You need to understand how these insects proliferate and grow before you can adequately control them.
Table of Contents...
- 1 What is A Mosquito?
- 1.1 The Female Mosquito
- 1.2 Mosquito Life Cycle
- 1.3 Where Do Mosquitoes Live?
- 1.4 Mosquito Bites
- 1.5 Mosquito Diseases
- 1.6 Strange but True…
- 1.7 Repelling Mosquitoes from Your Yard, Naturally
- 1.8 Let The Hunter Be The Hunted
- 1.9 Best Mosquito Traps & Mosquito Repellents for Your Yard
- 1.10 Burgess 1443 Propane Mosquito Fogger
- 1.11 GreenStrike Mosquito Preventer | Natural Mosquito Trap
- 1.12 Flowtron Bk-40d Electronic Mosquito Repellent
- 1.13 Thermacell | Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard
- 1.14 Mosquito Magnet | Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard
- 1.15 Dynatrap DT1775 | Advanced Mosquito Zapper
- 1.16 Natural Mosquito Repellents…
- 1.17 Best Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard
Mosquitoes | Best Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard
A deadly disease elicits a shudder faster than anything in the world. One of the tinniest and possibly one of the most scariest carriers of disease has always been the mosquito. Just as soon as we brace ourselves and manage to deal with one disease that it carries… Well… We find out that there is another that it has adapted to carry disease. It’s a vicious cycle.
A part of our fear stems from our lack of understanding. We only know mosquitoes as those winged creatures that suck out our blood. To us they are nothing short of a real life vampire only much smaller! Nobody can blame us for those perceptions but those notions can only be cured if we understand what a mosquito is and why it does what it does.
What is A Mosquito?
A mosquito is nothing more than a tiny midge-like fly which belongs to the Culicidae family. Sounds complicated right? Let’s simplify that a bit.
The word mosquito can be traced back to its Spanish origins. Literally translated, the word mosquito means a ‘little/small fly’.
The oldest known mosquito was found in an amber rock. The mosquito is said to be almost 79 million years old. This particular mosquito was found in Canada and bore strong resemblance to the current mosquito that we see today.
Video | What if We Killed All the Mosquitoes?
There however have been some older findings which date back to almost 100 million years ago. These older mosquitoes were found to have characteristics that are similar to modern day mosquitoes but they display more primitive features.
All this data means just one thing. It means that the mosquito has been around for quite a while now.
The Female Mosquito
Understanding the mosquito must first start with the female mosquito. This is because it has always been the female mosquito which always causes us the greatest concern. Unlike her male counterpart, the female mosquito is an ectoparasite. This means that it is only the female that can suck your blood.
Why? The answer lies in the mouthparts. Unlike the female mosquito, the male mosquito does not have the same mouthparts. This means that the male mosquito cannot bite you and suck your blood!
The female mosquito feeds on the blood of other living animals. Her prey usually includes vertebrate animals. Some of these animals include man, mammals, reptiles, birds and even some fish. Some researchers say that these mosquitoes can also attack invertebrates. Among invertebrates, their chief targets are arthropods.
While there are some species of female mosquitoes that are blood suckers, it is wise to remember that there are a number of species of mosquitoes in which the female does not suck blood.
Another piece of information that is important to understand is that the female mosquito does not suck the blood for itself. In fact, like the male mosquito, the female mosquito derives nourishment from the nectar of flowers and from plant juices. The reason why the female mosquito needs the blood is so that she can produce her eggs. The nutrients from the blood that the female ingests, forms a rich source of nourishment. This nourishment is critical for the production of the eggs.
Mosquito Magnet | High-Tech Mosquito Trap
Did you know that the female mosquito has her preferences? Yes! The female mosquito tends to pick people who have the ‘O’ blood group. Other preferences range from heavy breathers to pregnant people. It has also been noted that the female mosquito prefers people with a lot of body heat and even those with a lot of skin bacteria.
While most of us have been bitten by the female mosquito at some point of time in our lives, rest assured that anyone who falls within the above stated preferences has felt more than their fair share of mosquito bites.
Host specific feeding is something that occurs quite frequently. It has often been noted that the female mosquitoes show preference towards a certain host. If the competition for food increases, this preference for food is overthrown. The female mosquito will then begin to hunt without a preference. This in fact is where the theory ‘Survival of the fittest’ can apply. Mosquitoes have managed to survive for millions of years and that leaves no doubt about how fit and strong they are!
Mosquito Life Cycle
The mosquito has its own specific lifecycle just like all other flies. The lifecycle of the mosquito can be divided into four main parts which are listed below.
- The Egg
- The Larva
- The Pupa
- The Adult
The Mosquito Egg
The mosquito egg can be found in stagnant water. The female mosquito has two choices when laying her eggs. She may either choose to lay the eggs on the edge of the stagnant water where the water is shallow or she may choose to lay her eggs and attach them to aquatic plants. Wherever the female chooses to lay the eggs is immaterial as both the locations have the same common denominator and that is ‘shallow water’.
Each species of mosquitoes has their own preferences in relation to the water body that they choose. Some choose lakes, others choose small puddles and still others may choose to use a salt marsh. This widespread use of multiple sources of water by multiple species of mosquitoes makes the species extremely hardy and extremely difficult to get rid off.
If you watch a female mosquito laying its eggs, you will notice that the mosquito will skim the surface of the water and noticeably bob up and down as it releases one egg at a time. This process is often referred to as dapping.
The Larvae
This is the next phase in the life cycle of the mosquito. ‘Larva’ is the term given to describe what hatches out of the egg of the mosquito. It is a simple living organism which has a well developed head. This head has mouth brushes. These mouth brushes have been specifically developed so that the larvae can feed. The rest of the body of the larvae compromises of a thorax and an abdomen which is segmented. At this stage you will find that the larva has not yet developed wings or legs.
The Larvae have spiracles on their body. These spiracles are located on the segmented part of the abdomen and help the larvae breathe. This is the reason why the larvae will keep coming up to the surface so that it can breathe.
The larvae find nourishment by feeding on the algae, microbes and bacteria that are present in the water. You will find that these algae dive to lower depths only when they are disturbed or threatened. Otherwise, they prefer to be closer to the surface of the water.
The Pupa
The Pupa is the third phase in the life of a mosquito. If you look at the pupa from a sideways view, you will understand why people say that it has a comma shape. In this stage the head of pupa merges with the thorax. The abdomen still curls underneath. This is what gives it the curved shape.
The pupa can swim however. It does so with the help of its abdomen. The flapping motion of the abdomen helps the pupa to propel itself forward. Like the larvae, it needs to be able to swim so that it can break the surface of the water and breathe.
The pupa will swim at the surface if not disturbed. If disturbed, the pupa will move to the deeper waters. It just takes a few days for the pupa to evolve to an adult.
The Adult
The adult evolves from the pupa. The pupa however requires a certain temperature to evolve. Once the temperature is reached, the pupa will slowly begin to transform. Now, the size of the adult mosquito depends on a variety of factors. One of the main factors involved is the density of the larvae in the water body. The second factor is the availability of food. Both these factors however go hand in hand.
A larger density of larvae means that there will be a reduced amount of food available as there will be an increase in the competition for food.
Mating of an adult mosquito starts a few days after the emerging from the pupa phase. The mating process involves an understanding of how long a mosquito lives. The average life span of a male mosquito is around five to seven days. The female on the other hand lives longer. The female mosquito collects as much blood as it needs to lay its eggs. Two or three days later when the eggs are fully mature, the female lays the eggs in the water. This is a cyclic process that continues until the female dies. The lifespan of a female mosquito is around two weeks. The female mosquito’s lifespan however can even extend up to one month if the female mosquito is in captivity.
Where Do Mosquitoes Live?
Mosquitoes prefer dank swamp environments. This is because mosquitoes require stagnant water for breeding. Therefore, any environment that has any stagnant water in the surrounding serves as an attractive place for mosquitoes to breed.
Mosquitoes however are extremely hardy creatures. That’s why they are capable of surviving in almost any environment. The hot and humid environments prove to be the best kind of places for the survival of mosquitoes.
In essence, all that a mosquito needs to procreate is a stagnant source of water. In some cases, this water can include polluted water as well as fresh water. That’s why the stagnant source of water can be anything from flood water to a marsh.
In urban setups, you will find that unchecked pools of water like open drains pose the largest threat of becoming mosquito habitats. Areas which receive high levels of rainfall also have a higher risk of mosquitoes. This is because the rain will cause a number of puddles of stagnant water. These stagnant puddles of water remain unchecked and are the second largest breeding source of mosquitoes.
Mosquito Bites
The mosquito bite is the main reason why everyone fears mosquitoes. The fear isn’t just related to the irritation that the mosquito bite can cause but it is also because of the diseases that it can transmit. To understand the potential threat that a mosquito bite has in a man’s life, you need to understand the mosquito bite itself.
Colloquially, we say that a mosquito can bite us but that is not true. A mosquito does not really bite us. In fact, the mosquito has a long tubular mouthpiece which it inserts into our skin. It uses this tubular mouth piece to draw the blood out. The mouth piece is called the proboscis.
Once the proboscis is inserted under the skin, the female mosquito will start searching for the nearest blood vessel. With blood vessel located, the female mosquito will begin to start releasing saliva into the punctured skin.
This saliva is an important part of the mosquito bite because it acts as an anticoagulant. The function of the anticoagulant is to ensure that the blood does not coagulate. To put it in simpler words, it ensures that the blood does not clot. Since the blood does not clot, the female mosquito can now have her fill of the blood that she needs.
Most of the time, you will not even be aware that you have been bitten. Your body however is not caught on the unawares like your mind is. The moment the mosquito bites you, the body swings into action by activating the immune system.
This is because the mosquito saliva is perceived as a foreign body. Any foreign body (that is anything that isn’t part of the body) is dealt with by the immune system. To combat this foreign body, the immune system releases histamines. These histamines migrate towards the mosquito bite. Once the histamines reach the area, they begin to cause the blood vessels in the vicinity to swell. This swelling causes the bump like feeling that you perceive on your skin.
Once the vessels swell, they inadvertently cause the nerve endings in the vicinity to get stimulated. This irritation manifests as the itching that is so commonly associated with mosquito bites. In a way, the response that the immune system causes is similar to other allergic reactions. Here, the stimulant for the reaction is the mosquito saliva.
Mosquito Diseases
An interesting fact to note is that mosquitoes are not the causative organisms for diseases. They however act as the vector (or better known as the carrier) for the organisms that cause diseases. Since the female mosquito has direct access to the blood stream when she is sucking blood, it is very easy for her to pick up the causative organism. It is also very easy for her to transmit the organism to other living beings. That’s why the mosquito serves as the perfect vector.
Each species of mosquito carries different vectors. That’s why if you know which mosquito borne disease you have been affected with, you can narrow down your search to a particular species of mosquitoes.
Diseases like dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya are transmitted by the aedis aegypti mosquito. Malaria on the other hand is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito. Another not so common disease which is transmitted by mosquitoes is lymphatic filariasis. This disease is also widely known as Elephantiasis. Lymphatic filariasis is spread by a wide variety of mosquito species. This is a stark difference when compared to the other diseases that we have already discussed.
The recent threat that the world encountered is the Zika virus. This virus also employs the female mosquito as its vector. In fact, the virus uses a specific species of mosquitoes named the Aedes mosquito. This has just increased the number of diseases that this species can transmit and carry.
Each of these diseases has come to pose varying degrees of danger to human health. While some diseases like malaria have known cures, other diseases like Dengue and Zika do not. Even the diseases which have cures have been known to cause numerous deaths. That’s why prevention is always better than cure.
Strange but True…
Scientists have discovered that Victoria’s Secret Bombshell perfume is almost as effective at repelling mosquitoes as DEET products such as, Repel 100 . Yes, it’s true. Read the study.
So, if you want to smell good and keep mosquitoes away then you might want to try this particular perfume.
Repelling Mosquitoes from Your Yard, Naturally
There are many ways by which you can keep mosquitoes at bay. Some people advocate the use of chemicals and pesticides. Few realize that certain preliminary measures can be taken to ensure that the life-cycle of the mosquito is stopped midway.
Eliminating Stagnant Water From The Vicinity
Mosquitoes require stagnant water to continue their life-cycle. Without stagnant water, the female mosquito cannot lay her eggs. This in turn means that the next generation of mosquitoes has been eliminated. That is why removing the stagnant water from the vicinity seems like the simplest solution.
This however is easier said than done. A mosquito can use any water that has been stagnant for more than four days. This means that you need to eliminate all the tiny sources of water in your vicinity. If you live in a climate where it is hot but not humid, then you are lucky. All you have to do is look for the most obvious places where water can stagnate. Open drains are the most common suspect.
Mosquito Bits | Kill Mosquito Larvae Before they Hatch
If you live in an area that receives large amounts of rainfall then your job just got a lot more difficult. This is because you need to make frequent checks around the vicinity of your house. Water can collect in virtually anything. An old cup, a hollow log, the seat of an unused swing, etc can all collect certain amount of water when exposed to rain. Ensuring that this water is emptied is your main responsibility. Performing this routine at frequent intervals can get extremely difficult.
Other people who find this method hard are the ones that stay close to larger water bodies like ponds and lakes. Emptying a lake is impossible and unnecessary. Yet, it still has the potential to become a mosquito breeding ground.
Do not worry! To combat these kind of problems there are other solutions.
Let The Hunter Be The Hunted
The easiest way to control the mosquitoes is to introduce an organism that thrives by eating them. This method works well in areas where there are large water bodies like ponds and lakes. While lakes and ponds can’t be emptied, it doesn’t mean that it gives you the liberty to use pesticides either.
The introduction of fish into the pond/lake can help you solve your dilemma. The fish thrive by eating the mosquito larvae. This helps to eliminate the mosquitoes before they reach the adult stage. That way even though the female mosquitoes will continue to lay their eggs, the fish will help to control their population.
Best Mosquito Traps & Mosquito Repellents for Your Yard
Sometimes fighting off the wrath of mosquitoes requires more than just the use of the conventional methods. That’s when we turn towards commercial products. Within the jurisdiction of commercial products, you will find that there are chemical products as well as natural products. Let’s take a look at how these products work.
Burgess 1443 Propane Mosquito Fogger
Requires fogging insecticide, such as the one made by Black Flag (No-mix formula).
- Perfect for quickly clearing large areas of mosquitoes and flies.
- Propane powered for ultimate portability. Uses tall canister.
- Dispenses 10-foot cone of odorless fog to immediately clear bugs from area.
View or download the MANUAL.
Overview | Burgess 1443 Insect Fogger
Propane insect foggers are known for two things: Their convenience and their portability! The reason why propane foggers are portable is because they do not require an electric source. These devices offer temporary respite from the mosquito bites. Despite being temporary, propane foggers have gained popularity because of they are extremely effective.
The weight of the device also helps in portability. It is said that the weight of the Burgess 1443 is only 2.8 pounds. This makes the device light and easy to carry around. So you don’t have to worry about aching arms when you fog your backyard.
The Burgess 1443 is a propane insect fogger. The 40 ounce tank is large when compared to other propane foggers. The larger tank ensures that the time you spend between refilling it increases. The treatment provided by this product is known to last for as long as six hours.
The Burgess 1443 can treat a large area of land at a stretch. It is said that this device can fog up a 5,000 square foot area of land in less than five minutes. The fog that is produced takes around five minutes to dissipate. Once the fog is cleared, it safe for everyone to occupy the area.
Video | Burgess 1443 | How it Works
The product derives its power from a propane source. This propane source however is not provided with the kit. The Burgess 1443 has been designed to be compatible with 14.1 ounce tall style propane cylinders. If this is not available, then try the 16.4 ounce short style cylinders. Both the types of cylinders work with this device.
The Burgess 1443 is a short term chemical solution to our problem. It is a great solution nonetheless. Man’s innovation has introduced us to a new method of protecting our skin from the dreaded mosquito bites. This method involves devices that capture mosquitoes and prevent them from reaching us. Since it does not involve the use of any chemicals, these methods are considered natural and environment friendly methods.
Also, available in an electric model (960 Model)
Features (Burgess 960 Electric):
- The same effective system used by professionals to kill mosquitoes that may carry the Zika virus or West Nile virus.
- Kills and repels mosquitoes, biting files, and flying insects for up to 6 hours.
- Treats an average 5,000 square foot yard in less than 10 minutes.
- Everyone can enter the treated area as soon as the fog disperses (typically less than 5 minutes).
- Fast and easy – just plug it in. Perfect for decks and patios.
Learn more by reading our article specifically on Mosquito Foggers.
GreenStrike Mosquito Preventer | Natural Mosquito Trap
Key Features Of The Greenstrike Mosquito Preventer
There are some features that have made this particular device extremely popular.
- It is environment friendly as it does not involve spraying chemicals over large areas of land.
- The model comes with an automatic filtration cycle. This is one of the reasons why you need to change the filter only once every month.
- It is a virtually silent machine which can be operated using a simple touch pad control panel.
- It is durable and has a cordless design which makes it extremely portable.
View or download the MANUAL for the GreenStrike Mosquito Preventer.
Overview | GreenStrike Mosquito Preventer
The GreenStrike Mosquito preventer is a natural method of controlling the proliferation of mosquitoes in your vicinity. It works on the principal that mosquitoes require suitable conditions to lay their eggs. GreenStrike provides us with non toxic lures that can be used to draw the female mosquitoes into it.
The way that these lures work is simple. It mimics the composition of proteins and nutrients which you would essentially find in a pond. These proteins and nutrients act as lures for the female mosquito. The female mosquito will approach the lure because it will appear as a perfect breeding ground for her to deposit her eggs in.
Video | How It Works | GreenStrike Mosquito Preventer
The female will then proceed to lay her eggs in the lure without realizing that there is a filter that is present in the artificial pond. This filter is what keeps the eggs above the water that they need. By depriving the mosquito eggs of water, you ensure that the future generations of mosquitoes are destroyed.
The Greenstrike Mosquito Preventer has two lines of defense. One that is used in the first thaw and the second is used during the summer months.
Cu Mosquito Lure
This mosquito lure is used immediately after the first thaw. It comes in a sachet that is about as big as a tea bag. The entire kit compromises of the Cu Mosquito lure, the filter and the landing strips. Once you assemble these three things together, you will have created an artificial pond that will attract the mosquitoes towards it.
The artificial landing gives the mosquitoes a great place to land and the filter keeps the eggs away from the water. This lure however needs to be replaced every 30 days. This will help ensure that the Greenstrike Mousquito Preventer is functioning optimally.
Video | Common Questions Answered
Ae Mosquito Lure
This lure comes in a liquid form and is used during the summer months. Like the Cu Mosquito lure, the complete kit consists of the lure, the filter and the landing strips. The function of the device is identical to that of the Cu Mosquito lure. The only difference being that this lure is used at the end of the mosquito season. Like the Cu Mosquito lure, this too needs to be changed once every month.
Learn more about the test results for the GreenStrike Mosquito Preventer.
Flowtron Bk-40d Electronic Mosquito Repellent
- Patented, highly effective killing grid that won’t clog.
- Uses one 40 watt high intensity ultraviolet, (black light), bulb BF-190.
- Transformer powered Vertical Rod killing grid system.
- USDA tested Octenol attractant, a proven mosquito lure – FREE 30 day cartridge
- Rugged, weatherproof polycarbonate construction. Won’t rust or degrade.
- Easy to replace the bulb.
- No chemical insecticides required.
- Two-year limited warranty
Overview | Flowtron Bk-40d
Innovation has no bounds. The Flowtron BK-40D electronic insect killer is another environment friendly device. This device uses a different kind of technology when compared to the Greenstrike Mosquito Preventer.
The Flowtron BK-40D uses non toxic ultraviolet light to lure the mosquitoes towards it. In fact, mosquitoes aren’t the only thing that this light attracts. Along with dealing with mosquitoes, the Flowtron BK-40D helps to eliminate biting flies and other insects too!
The method by which this device deals with the winged pests is simple. The ultraviolet light acts as a lure and draws the mosquitoes (and other insects) closer to it. Unfortunately for our winged adversaries there is an electronic grid between them and the light. Once they make contact with the grid, the electricity courses through them and they die instantly.
The Flowtron BK-40D covers an area of around 1 acre easily. You can easily use two devices if the area you need covered is larger than that.
Instructions For use
- This device attracts mosquitoes to it. That is why you should never hang the Flowtron BK-40D in areas which you frequently use. Instead, hang this device a little way off so that the mosquitoes will be drawn away from that area.
- Remember that this device has a short cord. It needs to be plugged in for it to work. That is why you need to find a place that is close to a power source. If you don’t have an available power source then you may want to consider getting an outdoor extension cord.
- The Flowtron BK-40D requires a few hours to be truly fully active. So plug it in a few hours before you want to spend time in the garden. That way you can ensure that there are no mosquitoes when you step out!
Covers up to 1.5 Acres | Flowtron BK-80D
- Patented, high efficiency, non-clogging killing grid
- Two 40-watt, high-intensity, “U” shaped, ultraviolet (black light) bulbs BF-150
- Transformer-powered Vertical Rod killing grid system
- Includes: USDA-tested Octenol (MA-1000-6) mosquito attractant slow release cartridge.
- Durable, weatherproof polycarbonate construction. Won’t rust, crack or fade.
- Easy bulb replacement – no tools required.
- No chemical insecticides required.
- Inexpensive to operate.
- Two-year limited warranty.
Thermacell | Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard
Perfect for backyard activities, camping hunting or even something specific like gardening. Keep the Thermacell nearby and never have to worry about mosquitoes again.
- Effectively repels mosquitoes, black flies, and other annoying biting insects.
- Virtually odor free.
- Creates a 15 x 15-foot zone where bugs won’t penetrate.
- No open flame.
- No greasy, sticky, or oily sprays or lotions.
- Odor free repellent mat contains the active ingredient allethrin.
View or download the MANUAL for the Thermacell mosquito repellent.
Overview | Thermacell
The Thermacell Mosquito repellent is a small hand held device that is perfect for camping and outdoor activities. This tiny device can clear the mosquitoes out of a 15 foot by 15 foot space of land. Thermacell calls this area, the zone of protection.
Interestingly, the Thermacell Mosquito repellent does not just relinquish the burden of mosquitoes from us. It also helps to repel black flies and other flying insects that bite. This device does not require a cord. In fact, it is small enough to fit inside your pocket. The lightweight of the device makes it extremely portable and easy to handle.
All Thermacell products function by using a single butane cartridge. This is how the device manages to produce heat while still remaining cordless. Once the butane cartridge produces heat, the metal grill begins to heat up. The heat from the grill is transferred to a small mat that is placed on top of the grill. The effect of the heat causes the repellent in the mat to vaporize. The repellent that Thermacell uses is called allethrin. Allethrin has been created to mimic the repellent that chrysanthemum flowers provide.
This simple method helps you ensure that your time spent outdoors is mosquito free.
Thermacell also makes a variety of lanterns that work in a similar manner, repelling mosquitoes in your yard, while camping or any other outdoor activity where a lantern is appropriate.
All of these Thermacell lanterns offer the same protection against insects 225 Sq.Ft., with the main differences are the brightness of the lanterns and the design. Basically, how bright do you want your lantern?
Learn more on the Thermacell website.
Mosquito Magnet | Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard
If you’ve never heard of the Mosquito Magnet, where have you been? This is a highly innovative mosquito trap for your yard; engineered to attract mosquitoes via a propane system and then prevent them from escaping in a compartment that they can’t escape. You won’t have to touch a single mosquito. Simply empty the compartment when it’s filled with dead mosquitoes.
Four Mosquito Magnet Models:
- Patriot (MM4100) | Best Value
- Independence (MM3200)
- Executive (MM3300)
- Commander (MM3400)
Click the image above if you want to see the comparison chart for all of these models.
Video | See How the Mosquito Magnet Works
How it Works:
- Lures
The Mosquito Magnet operates all day and night. It works by releasing a continuous stream of carbon dioxide (CO2) and scientifically proven attractant to draw mosquitoes to the trap.
- Captures
Designed with a patented Counterflow Technology, mosquitoes are vacuumed into a net where they dehydrate and die. You’ll be amazed at how many mosquitoes this product can kill. Just watch the video above.
- Controls
Scientifically proven to disrupt mosquito breeding cycles, essentially destroying the thread and constant proliferation of mosquitoes in your yard all season long.
To learn much more we covered the Mosquito Magnet extensively in our article: Best Mosquito Killer Killer | Mosquito Control Guide
View or download the Independent Tests:
- Mosquito Magnet — Hawaii
- Mosquito Magnet — Ft Myers – July 2004
- Mosquito Magnet — Atsena Otie Key – Florida
- Mosquito Magnet — Ft Myers – April 2004
- Mosquito Magnet — Cayman Islands Mosquito Research & Control Unit
Learn more on the Mosquito Magnet website.
Dynatrap DT1775 | Advanced Mosquito Zapper
- Protects up to an Acre.
- Durable, all-weather construction.
- Pesticide and odor free.
- Whisper quiet operation.
- No zapping or buzzing. No expensive attractant or propane required.
- Easy to set up.
Provides a 3-step system that protects your from mosquitoes.
- UV fluorescent bulb generates a warm light, attracting insects.
- A second lure, an exclusive Ti02 titanium dioxide-coated surface, produces CO2 (the same gas we emit when we exhale) that’s irresistible to mosquitoes.
- A strong (and quiet) vacuum fan sucks insects into the retaining cage where they dehydrate and die.
Natural Mosquito Repellents…
NEEM : Neem has always been believed to have insect repellent properties. These properties have also been seen to be effective against mosquitoes. While the Neem tree keeps itself insect and mosquito free, it also extends this property to a certain distance around itself. If your house or yard falls within this area, you will find yourself blessed with a mosquito free life.
The mosquito repellent properties of Neem have caught a lot of people’s eyes. Today a wide variety of sprays, oils and lotions contain Neem and are advertised for their mosquito repellent effect. To make a suitable mosquito repellent at home, all you have to do is combine one part of Neem oil with one part of Coconut oil. Rub it on your skin and it will act as an effective deterrent.
CAMPHOR: Camphor is a natural product that is extracted from a tree. This product has proved to be extremely effective in our battle against the mosquitoes. In fact, it is said that Camphor is by far the best natural remedy that you can use.
Camphor needs to be lit before it can release its natural odors into the air. Be forewarned that Camphor is highly combustible. This means that all flammable objects need to be placed far away from the Camphor when it is being used.
Once the Camphor is lit, close all the doors and allow the smell to pervade into every corner of the house. It needs to stay this way for at least twenty minutes. Once this is done, you can enter into a mosquito free zone.
Learn more | Read this Book
EUCALYPTUS OIL: The Eucalyptus tree has been studied for years. It is one of those trees which has provided us with a delightfully aromatic extract. This extract is popularly known as Eucalyptus oil. This oil is found in the medicine cabinets of people around the world.
Among the numerous wondrous properties that Eucalyptus oil has to offer is its ability to act as a mosquito repellent. While people have been using it for this purpose for quite a long while now, recent studies have shown that a combination of lemon and eucalyptus oil can give an increase in the amount of protection that this oil can provide. The protection that this offers is said to last for as long as three hours!
On a more cautionary note, it has been advised to avoid using this oil on any child that is below the age of three!
LAVENDER: Lavender reminds you the famous lavender fields that you see in different countries in spring. The relaxing hues of the flower pale in comparison to the rich aromatic fragrance that these flowers offer. While the smell is luxurious indeed, it serves more than one purpose. The smell of the lavender flowers is strong and acts as a deterrent to mosquitoes.
While not all of us have the luxury of finding lavender in our backyards, it does not mean that we can’t all use the powerful effects of this lovely flower. Modern day room fresheners, incense and other lavender scents can be used to fill the house with the scent of lavender. It gives the house a fresh feeling and also helps keep the itching associated with mosquitoes at bay.
TEA TREE OIL: While many people may have heard that tea tree oil has powerful anti-fungal as well as anti-fungal properties, few are aware that this oil also possesses mosquito repellent properties. The mosquito repellent properties stem from the strong smell that this oil has. There are two ways of using this oil.
- You can add a few drops of this oil to any kind of vaporizer. The tea tree oil can also be sprayed around the house. The smell that it emits is sure to drive the mosquitoes away.
- The other method is the more old fashioned method. A few drops of tea tree oil rubbed into your skin will help keep the harmful bacteria and fungi away. It will also act as a deterrent for any mosquitoes near you. This will help protect your skin from those annoying and itchy mosquito bites.
CITRONELLA: Citronella grass provides us with an extract called citronella oil. Unlike other species of grass, this grass has mosquito repellent properties. An extension of these properties can be seen in the effects that the Citronella oil has to offer. Citronella oil has been known to be extremely potent. Some people testify that the oil is even more potent than the chemical counterparts that are used in the market. This is the main reason why the popularity of Citronella oil has grown in the past few years.
Like other natural oils there are many ways of using this extract. Some claim that it works well in vaporizers. Others however, choose to use it when it is incorporated in the wax of candles. The method of how you use Citronella is not important. What is important is that this extract has been proven to help you keep your skin at a safe distance from the mosquitoes.
Some people even claim that the Citronella extract can help kill the mosquitoes. So what’s the harm in trying? Light a Citronella candle today!
TULSI: A lot of research has been done around the beneficial effects of Tulsi. One of the effects that has been rigorously studied, is the ability of this plant to keep mosquitoes at bay. In fact, it has even found that Tulsi is effective in killing mosquito larvae. If the effect of having this plant in our vicinity is so profound then maybe growing a few more of them will help reduce the number of mosquitoes that plague us on a daily basis.
CINNAMON OIL: Our knowledge about Cinnamon is limited to the uses that it has in the kitchen. You have to admit that this particular spice does offer a very nice aromatic smell. You would be surprised to know that oil can be extracted from this very same bark of the cinnamon tree. This oil holds great potential when it comes to keeping mosquitoes away.
Cinnamon oil has been used successfully in destroying the eggs of mosquitoes. It also acts as a good deterrent for the adult female mosquito. You however need to be cautious when using this oil. In the concentrated form, this oil can cause a lot of skin irritation. That is why the oil is diluted before it is used. The usual dilution that is advised is 24 drops of Cinnamon oil for every four ounces of water that is to be used. With the dilution done, the oil is now safe to use.
MINT: Like Cinnamon, mint is usually confined to our kitchens. Mint however has a great hidden potential. Once you realize how effective mint is in keeping mosquitoes away, you will look at this leafy plant in a completely different way.
When it comes to dealing with mosquitoes in the great outdoors, mint isn’t really your best choice. Mint extracts however are extremely useful when it comes to keeping the mosquitoes out of our homes. It works well in a closed environment where its sent is allowed to pervade into all the four corners of the room.
Mint can be used in a variety of different ways. Some choose to use the mint essence by putting it in a vaporizer, while others prefer the more traditional approach of using mint leaves. However you use the fragrance of the plant, you will find that you are satisfied with the outcome. The scent keeps the mosquitoes away and helps relax you in more ways than one.
GARLIC: While we are on the topic of kitchen supplies that can help us fight against mosquitoes, you cannot fail to mention the powers of garlic in the list. The strong, pungent odor that garlic has to offer is deemed offensive by many. In fact, this is exactly what keeps the mosquitoes away.
Using garlic as a defensive mechanism is easy. All that you need to do is crush some garlic and add it to a vessel that contains water. Bring the water to a slow boil. Continue to boil the water for a short period of time. Remove the water from the stove and allow it to cool. Once the water has been cooled, you can now fill this same water in a bottle that is fitted with a spray nozzle. Spray this mist around the house.
This simple procedure has helped many get rid of their winged pests!
PLANT THE RIGHT KIND OF TREES: When it comes to mosquitoes, many people think that trees are the cause of their grief. Few people realize that trees are actually part of the solution. Trees like Neem, Eucalyptus, mint and even marigold help to reduce the mosquito population in vicinity. So choose well when you decide to grow a tree. Remember… Trees are part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Best Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard
Mosquitoes can pose a large threat to our health. Like always, it is always important to emphasize that prevention is better than cure. Many people cite financial reasons as the root cause of their hesitation. What these people fail to realize is that if they do get bitten by a mosquito which is carrying a disease, their medical bills will skyrocket. Aside from the financial aspect of the situation, we need to realize that protecting our health should always be our primary goal. If keeping mosquitoes away helps us along the way the so be it. I’m sure none of us will miss the nasty itchy bumps that they cause!
Additional Information
- American Mosquito Control Association
- Mosquito Control Methods (Lots of great links)
Mosquitoes kill more people than any other animal in the world. See the chart below: