NOTE : We do not participate in link exchanges nor will we publish your promotional guest post, DO NOT contact us for these reasons. You will be ignored...!
If you are a REPUTABLE BRAND with an established history of manufacturing high-quality products, we are open to your proposal for advertisement or other forms of sponsorship, BUT ONLY if you are a recognized brand. If you fit into this category, then please submit your proposal. Be as detailed as possible to be considered.
ALL GENERIC proposals will be ignored. Be clear and concise when contacting us.
If you are a regular reader and have a comment, suggestion, or if you have found an error on the site, then please contact us using the form below.
Fill out the form & let us know what’s on your mind…
Reader Contact Form —
**If you notice any errors on the site, please let us know. We do our absolute best to be accurate but with the large amounts of data we have to sift through and juggle,we do make mistakes. We are human after all, always striving to be better.
Please inform us of our mistakes or information that is out-of-date. We will make the appropriate corrections.
How to Contact us:
For business related inquires you can reach us here: Business inquiries:
Inquire about writing for us — If you’re an experienced writer with direct experience in a related discipline then feel free to send us samples of your work, as well as a description on what makes you qualified to write for us. Direct experience and education are essential if you want to write for us. We’ll let you know if you’re the right fit. Don’t take it personally if you don’t hear back from us, as we get a lot of submissions.
Thoughts for Readers…
Have a question about Chainsaw Journal? Have you spotted an error(s)? Yes, we do make mistakes, but we will correct them asap. Have an idea for something we should cover or write an article on? Is there a particular chainsaw, generator, leaf blower or other tool you want us to write about? Do you have a story you want to share or maybe photographs you’d like us to publish? Let us know what’s on your mind. We welcome your input and feedback.
Also, if you have an interesting story or experience related to lawn and garden products or DIY projects, we’d love to hear from you and publish it on our site, if it’s suitable. It can be something that happened to a friend or family member. Be creative (and truthful). We’re not looking for gruesome stories here, just something interesting, touching, strange or personal.
If you’re a chainsaw artist, and want to have your work featured on Chainsaw Journal then please contact us and we’d love to show your work. Send a short bio and a link to your work, if you have an online site. We’d love to see what you’re up to.
We’re always interested in hearing what the community has to say about the work we do here regarding the quality and accuracy of our content. It’s important that you, our audience, is getting the information you need. That’s why it’s essential for us to remain open to all feedback.
This site has continued to grow and evolve over the years. Had I known how expansive the site would become I would not have titled it “Chainsaw Journal,” and instead, I would have given it a more encompassing name. Oh well, that’s the curse of hindsight — had I only known. We’re continually updating and improving on older articles, so please be patient. This takes time. The goal is to make this site a reliable source of information for anyone searching the internet.
Yes, this site makes money when a user buy through our links to Amazon (read more), but I will say, I am indeed an Amazon fanatic (fan) and Prime Member myself. I wholeheartedly trust and respect Amazon as a company. I mean genuinely, which is why I’m proud to promote their top quality products (based on customer satisfaction and reviews).
I buy from Amazon all the time — and it’s because they put their customers first. If you have an issue with a product you buy on Amazon, their customer support is on your side, they will help you, will track your package, listen to you, contact the manufacturer, or refund your money. Amazon has earned my trust over the years and without them, this site would not exist. I’ve looked at other online companies and there is no comparison to the online shopping experience, as a customer or as a business owner. Amazon is a company I truly admire.
We appreciate you taking the time to browse our site and we look forward to hearing what’s on your mind. I care. It does matter what you think, as long as your heart is in the right place. Don’t be cruel or malicious.